On 18-05-2024, a special ceremony was held at the Salesian Oratory of St John Bosco in Warsaw, 53 Kaweczynska Street to summarize and honor activities related to the happy rescue of the life of a Russian citizen of Chechen nationality, Luiza Galaeva, along with her children. The said ceremony was also aimed at conveying support and expressing respect for the perseverance, willpower and spirit of the would-be victim of international human trafficking.

The organizer and originator of the event was IHRC Commissioner, Ms. Leli Kagermanova, along with friends including the Director of the Oratory, Frater Slawomir Szczodrowski sdb and Natasza Deshieva. The ceremony was organized with the support of the patronage of International Human Rights Commission Secretary General Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik.
IHRC Commissioner Leli Kagermanova, from the very beginning of obtaining information about the life tragedy of Luiza Galaeva, as a potential victim of human trafficking at high risk of losing her life, took all possible steps to save the above-mentioned woman and her children. Accordingly, in conjunction with the legal, security and logistics divisions of the IHRC, they began to gather information and coordinate efforts to provide all possible assistance to the persecuted and life-threatened woman and her children.
As a result of the strenuous work of Commissioner Kagermanova, coordinators, IHRC volunteers and all the big-hearted people, such as Mikolaj Potocki, Piotr Korc, Artur Supinski and lawyer Pawel Gosc, offering patronage in all procedural, judicial and official matters for Luiza and her children from the very beginning, it was possible to save Luiza Galaeva from being sold and, as a result, from slavery.
It should be mentioned that a very solid role in saving Luiza’s life was played by officers of the Nadwislanski Oddział Straży Granicznej (Border Guard Station in Warsaw). Their actions are shrouded in mystery, but thanks to their commitment Luiza and her children live safely.
It should also be mentioned that the IHRC, as an Intergovernmental Transnational Organization, was able to carry out a number of activities on the territory of Poland, Germany, Belarus and Russia, which contributed to the happy ending of Luiza’s release.

In addition, Luiza’s tragic story resonated with the public and was also reported in Gazeta Wyborcza article of 15-04-2024 titled “Luiza’s escape: either sold or buried,” written by investigative journalist Michalina Kawol.
In connection with Luiza’s tragic fate, journalistic work is being carried out to create a comprehensive TV report on her story.
The Salesians, known for their humanitarian and outreach work, are involved in organizing the relief effort, and have played a key role in providing support and care for Luiza and her children during difficult times. Their support was not only limited to spiritual aspects, but also included practical assistance and involvement in efforts to protect the lives and health of those affected.
The International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) played a key role in providing legal, logistical and security support to a Russian citizen of Chechen nationality, and her children. This was a necessary action to effectively defend against the threat of sale and slavery.
The security of Louisa and her children was the responsibility of IHRC Commissioner Pawel Chorowiec, who was involved in coordinating the operation from the very beginning. Thanks to his efforts, detailed security plans were developed, which included monitoring the situation, assessing threats, and providing safe places for Luiza and her children to stay. Mr. Pawel Chorowiec also collaborated with local security services, including the Vistula Border Guard Unit, whose officers played a key role in saving Luiza’s life.
Logistics were the responsibility of Mr. Dawid Szablowski Intergovernmental Advisor for Communications of the IHRC, who coordinated aspects of transportation. His activities included the organization of means of transportation and safe passage.

Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik Secretary General of the IHRC expressed his sincere thanks to all those who contributed to saving the lives of Luiza Galaeva and her children: “The actions of the entire team are proof that together we can change the world for the better and effectively counter the cruel practice of human trafficking. Thank you for your huge hearts, professionalism and tireless commitment which were crucial to the success of this operation.”

“Let’s remember that even the smallest gesture of goodness can change someone’s life.” -Luiza Galaeva
Head of Press IHRC