IHRC Harp on Effective Transportation on European Union Border
To improve humanitarian transport, Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik Secretary-General/World Chairman International Human Rights Commission-IHRC Group, pointed out the cross-border problems that occur in road transport on the Ukrainian-Polish border (European Union border).
He stressed that for humanitarian transport, traffic jams of several kilometers at border crossings are very worrying as they automatically result in delays of deliveries to the neediest and waiting citizens.
An effective streamlining of the whole process is the solution that has been introduced through the agreement between the International Human Rights Commission and the Government of Ukraine.
It stipulates that all vehicles (cars, buses, trucks, lorries) of the IHRC Security Service (diplomatic corps) with special markings will receive comprehensive assistance as well as permission to cross the border out of turn.
The IHRC is the first International Transnational private organization in the world to sign an agreement during the war, i.e. 20 April 2022, on a joint partnership to support humanitarian and partnership activities between the International Human Rights Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The Ambassador for contacts is the Ambassador General of the IHRC M.Sc.Dmytro NIKULIN is accredited by the Government of Ukraine.
Dawid Szablowski
IHRC Head of Press
Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Editor-in-Chief