Urgent Notice of Disclaimer: Fake Goodwill Ambassadors Nominations
It has come to our notice that Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan has initiated another impersonating and defrauding agenda by issuing a “Fake Nomination for IHRC Goodwill Ambassador”, deceiving members of the public into appointing them as Goodwill Ambassadors with the International Human Rights Commission-IHRC.
This is fake and not true. Let it be known to you that the International Human Rights Commission-IHRC is a Transnational Intergovernmental Organization led by Secretary-General Prof. h.c. Rafał Marcin Wasik and not Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan.
These web addresses and emails he uses are fake and misleading. They are:
https://www.ihrc-rft-africahq.org, Email: chair@ihrc-rft-africahq.org https://www.ihrc-hq.org IHRC Chief E-mail: ihrcigo@gmail.com.
Meanwhile, the only official website of the International Human Rights Commission-IHRC website is www.ihrchq.org and not www.ihrcft.org, we don’t as well, run personal email addresses such the ihrcigo@gmail.com.
Number 31 Rue Vollande, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland, and Telephone numbers bearing: +41-22-886-0113, Fax: +41-77-966-4839 which were indicated in Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan’s Nomination Letters are fake, as it was created in resemblances to the United Nations Human Rights address.
For your information, IHRC is a registered trademark owned by the International Human Rights Commission and is protected by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Aside from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), IHRC features in proprietary logo graphic and name in the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Intellectual Property Office United Kingdom (IPOUK), Intellectual Property Organization Pakistan (IPO), African Intellectual Property Organization (OA), and the Ministry of Industry Trade and Investments Commercial Law Department Trademarks Patents and Designs Registry Nigeria.
Lastly, IHRC shall not be responsible for any liabilities, or damages of any kind arising out of the use of, reference to, or reliance on any information by the imposter, Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan.

Henceforth, the general public should take note as anyone who engages with Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan in the IHRC or any other platforms such as ihrcigo@gmail.com, ihrc.hq@gmail.com, info@ihrc-hq.org info@ihrc-geneve.org http://www.ihrc-hq.org, http://ihrc-geneve.org, http://ihrc-wyc.org, http://ihrcrft.org and material promoted by these imposters does so at their own risk and shall also be dealt with by the law.
The International Human Rights Commission-HRC will not assume responsibility or be held liable for the consequences of decisions made based on information from these social accounts. As we continue to effectively engage respective authorities in dealing with them, you are thus advised to take note and understand that all IHRC communication is disseminated through its Official website
Issued by
Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik
IHRC Secretary-General, Switzerland.