Women’s Day: IHRC Calls for Gender-responsive Education in closing Gender gaps in the Tech Industry
…Commends UN on Developing a Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms
In commemoration of 2023 International Women’s Day, the Ambassador at Large and Head of Diplomatic Mission IHRC Nigeria, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Duru Hezekiah sues for gender-responsive education and skills training in closing gender gaps in the tech industry, commending the United Nations’ efforts in advancing Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms aimed at reducing harm and increase accountability while defending the right to freedom of expression.
Duru in a statement made available by its media team in Nigeria, said for education to fulfill its potential as an essential pathway to a gender-just world and fulfilling the scripture, both girls and boys must equally benefit from it. Putting gender equality at the heart of education and embedding gender equality in the DNA of national education systems, will close the gender gap and ensure gender-responsive policy.
“Scholars have argued that education is a milestone in women’s empowerment because it enables them to respond to challenges, confront their traditional roles, and change their futures”.
He maintained that education generally, opens up opportunities; it allows women and girls to imagine a future beyond motherhood and house-based work, should they wish to.
“Globally, girls and women make up just one-third of science students in technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as men outnumber women in the tech industry”.
Alarming discrimination and harmful stereotypes have created a huge gender gap in science and technology, denying women full contributions to science, technology, and innovation, he added.

As the United Nations is working with other stakeholders to advance a Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms, Dr. Duru further urged government at all levels, including civil society actors, the private sector, and the technology community to harness global action in creating a safe digital environment for women and girls.
Mr. Christian A. Nmamdi
IHRC Media Officer, Nigeria
Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Editor-in-Chief Worldwide