The International Human Rights Commission supports Sri Lanka’s children with special needs through a special program of providing nutritious food and essential health equipment.
As a voluntary assistance program of the Special Monitoring Mission of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC SMM), on October 24, 2023, the officials of the Special Monitoring Mission in Sri Lanka organized a program to provide nutritious food and essential health equipment for children with special needs in Sri Lanka.

According to Dr. chrishantha Dissanayake, Sri Lanka Special Coordinator of Sri Lanka International Human Rights Commission, in adviced of Mr. satthivel babudaran , IHRC National coordinator in sri Lanka . Mr. Hemantha Witharana, Jayatissa Athavudahetti, Harrison Somesiri, Nalin Darshan, Dhammika Sisira Kumara participated.
Here, Dr. chrishantha Dissanayake asked the participants of the program that it is the absolute duty of man to always stand up for the mental and health development of children with special needs and that every person should devote himself to the best of his ability to take care of such children.

This special program was held at an orphanage for children with special needs located in Mohottimulla, Dangkotuwa Divisional Secretariat, Puttalam District, Sri Lanka.
Mr. Dhammika Sisira Kumara, a member of our commission, and his family gave full support in organizing this special humanitarian program. here, Special nutritious food and equipment for all health needs were provided to the children.
Reported by:
Dr. chrishantha Dissanayake.
IHRC Special Coordinator in Sri Lanka