On 20 September 2024, a ceremony took place at the Binkowski Resort in Kielce, Poland, to present the prestigious “Civis Mundi Sum” medal, one of the most distinguished awards granted by the International Human Rights Commission -IHRC.
The recipient of the award was an esteemed cardiologist, Dr. Lukasz Dobaj, who also received a CERTIFICATE OF DISTINCTION. The ceremony was attended by numerous guests, including the IHRC delegation composed of: Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik, IHRC Secretary General and Msc. Ewelina Pawlowska, Ambassador at Large and Managing Director of the IHRC Diplomatic Protocol Department.
Medal number 300 was awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of medicine, particularly in the area of diagnosing and treating heart rhythm disorders.
Dr. Lukasz Dobaj is a distinguished cardiologist, Medical Director of SGH, and co-founder of the Swietokrzyskie Cardiology Centre in Kielce, where he has been professionally active since 2008. His notable achievements include:
Membership in the Polish Cardiac Society (PTK),
Active involvement in the Heart Rhythm Section.
Professionally and scientifically, he focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing patients with heart rhythm disorders as well as qualifying them for invasive arrhythmia treatments. His extensive expertise includes advanced cardiac diagnostics, such as:
Holter ECG monitoring,
Stress tests and ergospirometry tests,
Programming and control of pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT-D devices.
The “Civis Mundi Sum” medal, established in 2021 by IHRC, is awarded to individuals, organisations, and institutions for exceptional contributions to human rights protection, promotion of humanism, and peace. The medal symbolises prestige and international recognition for those who, through their efforts, contribute to building a better world.
Awarding the medal to Dr. Lukasz Dobaj is a testament to the high value IHRC places on significant contributions to the advancement of medicine and patient care.
The medal presentation ceremony was a solemn event and an opportunity to emphasise the role of professionalism and commitment to safeguarding human health and life. Msc. Ewelina Pawlowska, in her speech, highlighted that “Dr. Dobaj’s work is not only a reflection of the highest medical standards but also an inspiration to the entire international community.”
IHRC congratulates Dr. Lukasz Dobaj and wishes him continued success in the field of medicine and the protection of human life.
Ewelina Pawlowska
Ambassador at Large
Managing Director of the IHRC Diplomatic Protocol Department

Wish you all the Dr lukasz dobaj
It’s good idea
Now I am eager to do the same
congratulations to Dr lukasz dobaj
It’s good idea
Now I am eager to do the same
good ideas
What a well-deserved recognition for Dr. Lukasz Dobaj! His outstanding contributions to the field of cardiology, especially in diagnosing and treating heart rhythm disorders, are truly commendable. This prestigious “Civis Mundi Sum” medal is a testament to his dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to improving patient care. Congratulations to Dr. Dobaj on this remarkable achievement – a true inspiration to both the medical community and beyond!
It’s so good to know on “Civis Mundi Sum” medal, one of the most distinguished awards granted by the International Human Rights Commission – IHRC.
Well Done. Keep on Shining
(((((((((((((الثقافات ))))))))))))
هو شكل من أشكال الاتصال الذي يهدف إلى مشاركة المعلومات والمعرفة بين الثقافات والمجموعات الثقافية المختلفة. يستخدم مصطلح التواصل بين الثقافات لوصف طائفة واسعة من عمليات الاتصال والمشكلات التي تظهر بشكل طبيعي في التنظيمات التي تتكون من أفراد ينتمون إلى ديانات مختلفة ومجتمعات مختلفة وأعراق مختلفة وخلفيات تعليمية مختلفة. يهدف التواصل بين الثقافات إلى فهم كيفية تصرف الأشخاص المنتمون لدول وثقافات مختلفة مع العالم المحيط بهم وكيفية تواصلهم معه وإدراكهم له. يقول الكثيرون ممن يعملون في مجال الاتصالات التجارية بين الثقافات أن الثقافة تحدد كيف يمكن للأفراد ترميز الرسائل والوسائط التي يختارونها لنقل تلك الرسائل وكيف يفسرونها.
Intercultural communication is a form of communication that aims to share information and knowledge between different cultures and cultural groups. The term intercultural communication is used to describe a wide range of communication processes and problems that naturally arise in organizations made up of individuals from different religions, communities, ethnicities, and educational backgrounds. Intercultural communication aims to understand how people from different countries and cultures relate to, relate to, and perceive the world around them. Many who work in cross-cultural business communication say that culture determines how individuals encode messages, the media they choose to convey those messages, and how they interpret them.
El interculturalismo es una forma de comunicación que tiene como objetivo compartir información y conocimientos entre diferentes culturas y grupos culturales. El término comunicación intercultural se utiliza para describir una amplia gama de procesos y problemas de comunicación que surgen naturalmente en organizaciones compuestas por individuos que pertenecen a diferentes religiones, diferentes comunidades, diferentes etnias y diferentes entornos educativos. La comunicación intercultural tiene como objetivo comprender cómo las personas de diferentes países y culturas interactúan, se comunican y perciben el mundo que los rodea. Muchos de los que trabajan en comunicaciones empresariales interculturales dicen que la cultura determina cómo los individuos codifican los mensajes, los medios que eligen para transmitirlos y cómo los interpretan.