International Diplomacy in Leadership and Peaceful Dialogue, Makes Headline of Dr. Duru Hezekiah’s Antecedents
September 15, 2023
H.E Ambassador (Dr.) Duru Hezekiah is the Ambassador at Large and Head of the Diplomatic Mission of the Transnational Intergovernmental Organization-International Human Rights Commission-IHRC in Nigeria.
IHRC has its world headquarters in Zurich Switzerland chaired by the Secretary-General, Prof h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik.
The IHRC, highly experienced and specialized in peace negotiation and humanitarian aid, has a Diplomatic Representation to the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission. It’s also a self-financed, neutral, impartial, and independent organization.
IHRC has operated mainly in the international arena in zones of war and military operations, territorial and national conflicts, and humanitarian disasters. On 3 continents, we closely cooperate with state authorities, creating conditions and securing platforms for official and unofficial work and arrangements aimed at resolving conflicts and restoring the application of Human Rights. More about us can be found on our official website at
Upon assumption of office in 2022 as the Ambassador at Large and Head of Diplomatic Mission, Dr. Duru Hezekiah has engendered International Diplomacy, Exemplary Leadership, and Peaceful Dialogue, a thematic apperception of clinging to an indisputable climax in IHRC.
This Monograph Series No 1 titled International Diplomacy in Leadership and Peaceful Dialogue, largely emphasizes Dr. Duru Hezekiah’s antecedents in office from September 2022 to September 2023.
“It highlights his keynote speeches, humanitarian interventions, human rights defense, crime prevention approaches, and negotiations as they span full respect for human rights, multi-actor partnership, equity, sustainability, and attitudes and values that foster responsibility, solidarity, and tolerance”.
These indelible strides are attributed to international diplomacy in leadership, and peaceful dialogue, an affirmation of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s key components of good governance which are transparency, responsibility, accountability, participation, and responsiveness (to the needs of the people).

Meanwhile, International Diplomacy in Leadership and Peaceful Dialogue is interdisciplinary and, of course, extensive. For this monograph, leadership is considered the art of influencing people, organizations, and institutions to accomplish specific purposes, such as missions that serve public and national interests.
There are broader themes here regarding the antecedents of Dr. Duru Hezekiah for institutional and organizational innovation and reform to adapt, and the impact of these demands on politicians and public managers, as ethical leaders, at all levels (participative, organizational, and institutional) and frequently working across multiple sectors (public, private, and nonprofit) thoroughly exemplified.
His ideas of leadership and innovation and public-sector institutional and organizational reform, all enumerated in this Monograph Series No. 1, are worthy of attention. The distinctive approach of his antecedents includes meeting several objectives on the roles and functions of leaders and managers as executives in public institutions and organizations that engage in multi-sectoral activities such as public-private-nonprofit partnerships; Duru is not only good at negotiating and resolving conflicts, but also at creating and maintaining positive relationships, both internally and externally.

Moreover, his impressive professional journey stands as a testament to leadership and influence in shaping regional policies and implementing sustainable development initiatives. Beyond the confines of shaping policies, his literary prowess has captivated readers, weaving compelling narratives that delve deep into crucial societal issues. His keynote addresses have added profound insights and inspiration to navigating underlying solutions to confronting issues.
It was presented to the Secretary-General IHRC Prof.Rafał Marcin Wasik, upon his visit to Nigeria as well as to all Zonal and Regional Volunteers Coordinators of SMM.
Fidelis Onakpoma
Head, Media and Strategic Communications IHRC Nigeria.