On 25 January 2024, a dramatic family conflict occurred in Bialystok. Luiza, a mother of two minor children, fled with them from Ayndy, the children’s father, to Germany because of domestic violence. After Ayndy found them there, Luiza was forced to return with him to Bialystok. There, Luiza and her daughter were locked in a room and Ayndy kidnapped her son, taking him to an unknown address. He then began threatening Luiza to force her to return to Chechnya with her children.
On 30 January 2024, Ayndy appeared at the Office for Foreigners in Warsaw to collect Russian passports to travel to Chechnya, forcing Luiza to accompany him. Witnessing all this was Zareta Khaskhanova, a relative of Aynda’s first wife, who took it upon herself to try to stop the violence by contacting the IHRC’s regional coordinator in Poland, Leli Kagermanova, and asking for help for Luiza. Zareta handed over evidence of domestic violence, including a video and a recording of Luiza’s phone call to the police.
At the same time, Leli Kagermanova and Natasha Deshieva came to the Warsaw office at 33 Taborowa Street to support Luiza and her children. Unfortunately, they were also threatened, so the office staff had to call the police. Currently Luiza and her children are in a refugee centre under the care of the IHRC.
The first court hearing took place on 18.04, during which the IHRC lawyer, Mr Pawel, defended the children and Luiza. The next hearing is scheduled for 26.04.2024, with the centre’s director and all staff expressing positive views about Luisa and her children. The official verdict will be announced on Friday, but from Luiza side and the witnesses it appears that there was domestic violence, human trafficking and intent to murder.
Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik, Secretary General of the International Human Rights Commission – IHRC provided Luiza and her children with legal services, medical care and a safe place to stay, securing everything they needed to live, including food and clothing. Dawid Szablowski of International Logistic Group was responsible for the transport and its coordination.
Luiza and her children express their immense gratitude to IHRC Secretary General Rafal Marcin Wasik, the Zarzad Oddzialowy NSZZ FSG przy NwOSG, the Zarzad Wojewodzki NSZZ Policjantow Wojewodztwa Swietokrzyskiego, the International Human Rights Commission, the staff of the office at 33 Taborowa Street and all those who contributed to saving their lives and helping them.
This article was submitted by IHRC volunteers. Domestic violence is a serious social problem that affects many people. If you know of someone experiencing domestic violence, please contact us at lelikagermanova@ihrc.org.
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